Sunday, January 8, 2012

Tapping Into Emotions

Do you ever have trouble conveying emotion in your writing? I believe most of us do at times. It may be one of the most difficult aspects in producing fiction and nonfiction that moves the reader to a deeper level and an understanding of the characters.

So how do you convey emotions? For me, it's as easy as looking into my own emotional experiences. I've got lots of them. I suppose that comes with age.

Sadness? I remember something sad in my life that corresponds with the story I'm writing. Some examples of sadness can be the death of a friend or relative, the breakup of a relationship, moving to another town and leaving friends (and vice versa), or the loss of a beloved pet.

Happiness? Some things that touch the core of my emotions have been the  births of my sons and grandchildren, watching them open presents at Christmas and celebrating their birthdays; attending a family reunion; getting back in touch with old friends; and completing another book and seeing it in print.

Pain? How about an injury, toothache, migraine headache, or any kind of ache, for that matter. And I've experienced it vicariously when my wife and children have been hurt and when I've witnessed the pain suffered by others. 

My life has run the gamut of emotions so I tap into my feelings to a particular time in my life while I'm writing.
As noted above, that's easy for me to do.

But let me offer this caveat -- it's not always painless. I've been brought to tears at times so proceed with caution.

Until the next time...

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