Monday, February 4, 2013

"Butter in the Morning: Pieces of a Kentucky Life"

Georgia Green Stamper’s delightful and insightful “Butter in the Morning: Pieces of Kentucky Life” is a collection of essays about her rich and colorful life. 

Georgia spent her formative years in Owen County, a rural area in north-central Kentucky. She later became a wife, teacher, mother, and a writer.

There is a freshness and honesty to her stories that makes you laugh, smile, and even shed a a few tears. She has a wonderful sense of humor and shares many funny incidents from her life as well as some tragedies. It was from her mother that she learned that when facing life’s unpredictable twists and turns,  “You might as well laugh.”

The 270-page book, published by Wind Publications, is divided into four sections reflecting different stages in Georgia’s rich and colorful life -- from her childhood, humorous events, places she’s lived, and who she is today. There’s also some history about people and places interspersed that many readers will find interesting.

The stories are culled from columns and essays she’s written in several publications and as a National Public Radio commentator. Whether she’s writing about guacamole, her childhood home going up in flames, an encounter with chiggers, or getting into the wrong car on a rainy day, Georgia’s words are warm and sincere.

From her heart-felt remembrances, you discover that she was nurtured in a caring and loving family while growing up, and that she grew up to become a caring and loving wife, mother and grandmother.

And, after reading these stories, you will sense that she’s your friend by getting to know her so well.

Until the next time...

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