Friday, March 26, 2021

Another Progress Report on Manuscript

I've completed making the line edits on my work-in-progress, the fifth book in the John Ross Boomer Lit series. 

While fixing the various and sundry marks noted in red ink on the hard copy, I also jotted down some additional work that needs to be done before submitting the manuscript to my Wings ePress editor by March 31. 

I noticed several scenes that need to be expanded. There were a few minor changes that I will address such as character names and background. I'll be doing that while giving the novel-to-be one final read over the next five days. I have a notecard listing the rewrites/edits that I will check off when completed.

I'm also working on a book title. I have a working title (something I do with every WIP). I've compiled a list of about 10 that I'll tinker with over the next five days. Much like a book cover, a title is important because an author wants it to provide a strong first impression on potential readers. As for a book title, that'll be taken care of in the next few months with the publisher's art director.

My only concern right now is that I had received my second COVID-19 vaccine this morning. The nurse told me that I could have some side effects from it, including flu-like symptoms. Friends have told me they ran low-grade fevers and felt lethargic for a few days. I hope it's no more than that for me.

As mentioned in previous posts, the novel will be published Oct. 1, eight months after the release of Make Room for Family, the fourth book in the series. For a list of my novels, visit my webpage. Other sites include Amazon and Wings ePress.

Until the next time . . .

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