Wednesday, September 7, 2011

No More Excuses

I'm back to working on a novel. My past two posts have been about folks making excuses for not putting fingers to the keyboard and producing words, sentences, paragraphs, and chapters.
I've been guilty of that as well, for various and sundry reasons. Some of them have been good (at least I thought they were) and others not so good. So last Sunday, the day before Labor Day, I began work on a new young adult novel.
I've written every day since then (I know, only three days, but they add up over the weeks and months). As with my other novels, I intend to write every day, be it 30 minutes, an hour, or longer, if time permits. But I'm going to find the time to write each and every day until I've completed the first draft.
Several years ago I read a book by Wayne Dyer called, "Excuses Begone!" I liked the book. So much in fact that I bought several copies and gave them to people I thought could use the motivation to move on with their lives. Needless to say, I recommend the book.
Thinking about the Dyer's book, I realized that I was making excuses for not writing. As noted by many authors, writers write. And I needed to start writing again. No more excuses!
This isn't going to be a long blog. Why? Because I need to go work on my manuscript.
Until the next time...

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