Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 in Review

This wasn't the best year for me in terms of writing. I had good intentions but found myself sidetracked on reaching certain goals.

I hate to make excuses, but it's a human thing. Writers aren't excluded. We may be more guilty than most folks in staying focused on projects.

Certain things happened over the course of 2016 that made it difficult for me to concentrate on my works in progress. I've written it before, and I'll write it again: Sometimes life gets in the way.

Because of those major distractions, I wasn't able to publish a second volume to my "Laments" short stories. That will be a continued goal for the new year. We'll see.

I wasn't able to complete a sequel to "Old Ways and New Days." I did finish the first draft, but I'm still stuck in the second. I wanted to get started on the third draft on Jan. 1, but that won't happen, at least for another week. My desired goal is to have the manuscript ready for the publisher by the end of January. We'll see.

And because I dragged my literary feet on the sequel, I failed to reach another goal of starting another book in the OWND series. My intention is to do that in the spring. Again, we'll see.

I simply hope things will be more settled in 2017 so I can concentrate on my writing goals. We'll see.

For all the writers who follow this blog, I wish you a success in reaching your goals in 2017.

Until the next time....


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