Friday, February 2, 2018

Online Book Marketing Challenge -- Followup

I'm an old author who doesn't mind learning a few tricks, especially when it comes to marketing and promotion. 

I completed the #12MinuteBookLaunch, a six-day exercise/webinar about promoting books, on Facebook. It was an enjoyable learning experience, conducted by Becky Robinson of Weaving Influence. It took only an hour out of my somewhat busy schedule (6 x 12 minutes = 72 minutes), and well worth the time and effort.

It provided useful tips for marketing my novel that was published last November, and I'll be using the lessons for my third novel in the John Ross Boomer Lit series that I hope will be released this year.

The online class showed me ways to recognize and expand my networks and email lists; how to ask others to help launch a novel; implement various LinkedIn tools to make valuable connections; use a free (I like free!) website to make graphics to share with others, and another freebie to send tweets. I would encourage other authors to participate in the webinars (I've already signed up for another one, scheduled for Feb. 6, pertaining to successfully launching books).

While you're here, feel free to connect and/or follow me at the following sites (I'll connect and follow back):

Until the next time. . . .

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