Friday, July 6, 2018

WIP Update: Back to Work

I've been sitting on my work in progress for about a month and it's beginning to gather a few flakes of virtual dust.  And I've probably gained a few flecks of gray in what hair is left on my head.

So now it's time to get back to work. I plan to get started on the sequel to "Darkness Beyond the Light"  bright and early on Monday morning. In the meantime, I'll download the Hemingway App to get an idea how it works so I won't get bogged down too much by a learning curve as I delve into the first rewrite. 

I've got a stack of notes I've written from research the past few weeks to help in filling in some holes in the manuscript. 

How long will it take to get the manuscript in shape to submit to my editor? As long as it takes but I hope no longer than a month. I generally perform about 10 rewrites before placing it in her able hands. And from experience, I know she'll have some questions and suggestions that will involve some rewrite and revision to strengthen and tighten the story. 

Stay tuned for progress reports. 

Until the next time  . . .

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