Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Morning is the Write Time for Me

My writing routine is usually in the predawn hours, when most people are sleeping, coffee aroma wafts from the kitchen to my study, the TV is silent, and the telephone isn't ringing.

That's the most productive time of the day for me to put my thoughts and feelings on the screen.

I've often noted that it is especially important while writing the first draft, to minimize the chance of distractions cropping up along the way.

Now I must say that morning is probably the best time to work on rewrites. Why? Because the author still needs to be in an environment conducive to expressing oneself.

I'm currently working on the second draft of a manuscript, one that I hope to complete by the end of the year. And it's been frustrating, for the most part. Why? Because I find it nearly impossible to get into the flow of the story because of countless distractions.

If it's not someone knocking on the front door, it's the phone ringing (usually a telemarketer). Then there are chores that have to be done during the course of the day, usually in the afternoon and early evening. There is some home construction going on in the neighborhood so I hear hammering and vehicles going back and forth. And yes, I admit, the Internet beckons like a tempting siren from time to  time.

I'm not saying morning is the best time for you. We all have our preferred times for writing because of  work, parenting, and other obligations. I have some author friends who like to write close to the midnight hour, for much the same reasons I like the morning.

But for me, it's back to the morning grind. I can almost smell the coffee.

Until the next time....

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