Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Write Resolution

No doubt many folks have set resolutions for 2012 to make themselves healthier, wealthier, and perhaps, wiser.

Good luck on all three. I'll settle for being healthier. I'm not wealthy, at least in the category of the infamous 1 percent, but wouldn't mind a few extra coins in the piggy bank.

As for wiser, I'd like to think that with age comes a tad bit more wisdom (kind of a strong word, but I hope you know what I mean).

Since this is primarily a blog about writing -- and I do go off on  tangents from time to time (see above) -- I'll try to focus more on the writing life this year.

My primary goal this year is to do some creative writing on a daily basis. Last fall I started another novel but life got in the way and I abandoned the project. I may go back to it, and I may start something new. Only time will tell. But I do plan to write each and every day this year.

I've read and heard from folks who say they plan to write a 150,000-word novel this year. Really? Does a person really know that the novel they want to write is going to be so many words before they write that first word, sentence, paragraph, chapter?

I believe a more realistic goal is to write daily on the novel or nonfiction manuscript. You'll know when you're finished. It could be at 70,000 words. Maybe 85,000. Or it could reach 150,000. The key is to tell the story. The word count will be determined by that.

One more thing. Writing is discipline. It's not rocket science. To be a writer, you have to write. Daily.

Until the next time...

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