Sunday, October 28, 2012

Writing a Novel: One Day at a Time

I plan to do a lot of writing in November. Every day. Lots of words. And at the end of the month I plan to have the beginning, or first draft, of another novel.
At least I hope so.

I'm participating for the first time in National Novel Writing Month, or commonly referred to as NaNoWriMo. I've signed up on the website and I'm practically chomping at the bit to get started. All I have to do is produce a minimum of 50,000 words.

NaNoWriMo is promoted as "thirty days and nights of literary abandon" -- simply a way to let the creative juices flow for an entire month. Thousands of writers from around the world take part in the exercise, from school children to old folks.

While I have a lot on my plate in November, I think it's important to set aside time for writing. I do write every day, but it's not always creative writing.

On my previous five novels, I wrote daily on each one until I completed the first draft. Then I went back and did numerous rewrites to make them suitable for publication.

If you've never taken part in NaNoWriMo, I encourage you to take part, even as a personal challenge to yourself to see if you can do it. You can join virtual groups that offer encouragement and there are apps to help you keep your word count.

Don't be intimidated by the thought of writing each day for a month.  As a marathoner takes one step at a time, you simply need to approach it one day at a time. And we know that time flies, especially when you're having fun, so the 30 days will be over before you know it. 

Good luck and I hope to see you at the finish line!
Until the next time…


  1. wow! this idea is just genious! it is really hard to try to write everyday but is also wonderful, thanks for this idea Michael! :) oh! and thanks for the lovely comment you left on my guestbook :) happy halloween and happy NaNoWriMo :)

  2. I hope you sign up for NaNoWriMo. Even if you can't produce 50,000 words, it will be good for you to write each day. Good luck, Elizabeth.

  3. I used to force myself to write a poem a day. I like this NaNoWriMo though...sounds great! Thanks.

  4. Well, I tried to sign up but it ssaid I was a spammer. So I went to where they said to go to "clear" my name but I didn't understand it, so I couldn't sign up. Looked like fun though and I know you're gonn do great!

  5. Perhaps you have to wait unitl next November to sign up since it begins on the first day and runs through the 30th. It does require time and discipline. But you don't need NaNoWriMo if you are motivated to write. Just do it.
